Rezept für Enthaarungsmittel von 1857

Recherchiere die beiden Zutaten für dieses über hundertjährige Enthaarungsmittel ;-)

Quick Depilatory or Rusma. (For removing hair.)

As the ladies of this country consider the growth of hair upon the upper lip, upon the arms, and on the back of the neck, to be detrimental to beauty, those who are troubled with such physical indications of good health and vital stamina have long had recourse to rusma or depilatory for removing it.

This or analogous preparations were introduced into this country from the East, rusma having been in use in the harems of Asia for many ages.

Best lime slaked, 3 lb.
Orpiment, in powder, 1/2 lbs.

Mix the material by means of a drum sieve; preserve the same for sale in well-corked or stoppered bottles.

Directions to be sold with the above. Mix the depilatory powder with enough water to render it of a creamy consistency; lay it upon the hair for about five minutes, or until its caustic action upon the skin renders it necessary to be removed; a similar process to shaving is then to be gone through, but instead of using a razor, operate with an ivory or bone paper-knife; then wash the part with plenty of water, and apply a little cold cream.

The precise time to leave depilatory upon the part to be depilated cannot be given, because there is a physical difference in the nature of hair. “Raven tresses” require more time than “flaxen locks;” the sensitiveness of the skin has also to be considered. A small feather is a very good test for its action.

A few readers will, perhaps, be disappointed in finding that I have only given one formula for depilatory. The receipts might easily have been increased in number, but not in quality. The use of arsenical compounds is objectionable, but it undoubtedly increases the depilating action of the compounds. A few compilers of “Receipt Books,” “Supplements to Pharmacopœias,” and others, add to the lime “charcoal powder,” “carbonate of potass,” “starch,” &c.; but what action have these materials—chemically—upon hair? The simplest depilatory is moistened quicklime, but it is less energetic than the mixture recommended above; it answers very well for tanners and fellmongers, with whom time is no object.


Marianne Weiss

OneNightScent is a new and innovative concept in the world of fragrances.
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